Rodelsee’s mayor: wanted less, now got more
Rodelsee's mayor, burkhard klein, receives 4250 euros a month in compensation for his work. In addition, a flat-rate travel allowance of 150 euros was paid. This was the result of the renewed vote in the municipal council after the inaugural meeting on 4. No agreement could be reached on may. Interesting: at that time, klein had only wanted 3850 euros. The council had already set the deputy's compensation at ten percent of that of the mayor.
In the may meeting, eight new council members and four "old" council members had voted against the motion to decide on the compensation for the loss of the company. A sum within a range of 3114.15 and 4671.24 euros is possible. Most recently, mayor burkhard klein had received 4067.57 euros. Klein had proposed 3850 euros for himself. Klein also wanted to continue to waive the reimbursement of travel and travel expenses.
At the end of the discussion, as reported, the six council members of the CSU had voted for klein's motion, the three of the free choice rodelsee-frohstockheim ( R-F) and the three of the frohstockheim list (FL) against it. The motion was thus rejected with a tie vote.
Detailed list of activities to be sent to the mayor
The municipal council has now once again addressed the issue of the. In the meantime, klein had drawn up a detailed list of his activities and sent it to the council members. In addition, the head of the administrative community, leo eckert, is to be dismissed. It lists the mayor's duties and the possible proposals for them. Eckert concludes that a monthly amount of 4500 euros is justified. In addition, a monthly lump-sum reimbursement of travel expenses would be possible.
Klein himself did not want to say much more and referred to the extensive correspondence. His first offer was very fair of him, he stressed. But now he is applying for 4250 euros a month. He then left the lowenhof hall and his deputy, bernd lussert, took over.
Lussert emphasized that at the constituent meeting there had been no need for detailed statements in advance, as the administration had now submitted them. It is clear that not only the number of inhabitants is relevant for the classification. "Already was an agreement", said lussert, before he loved to tell every single councillor his opinion, starting with the CSU, then the R-F and the FL.
Local councillors gave their opinion
"As a councillor, you should know what our mayor does for the community", started volker heb. He reminded that one had missed the chance to get the mayor "for a snatch of 3850 euros". Something similar came from hermann eickhoff. 3850 euros was a fair offer. "You screwed up, said eickhoff, who did not hide how much the first decision had also upset him. The amount now in question is "properly calculated".
"Burkhard is on the move!" Lars chrischilles made it clear and demanded "not to slag off the mayor". Jens vollhals admitted that he was surprised that klein wanted to have even less in the mayoral meeting than before. The current amount he saw as justified. Holger kelle was not present for the CSU.From the free voters, tobias hemberger admitted that there had been far too many unanswered questions for him as a newcomer in may. He had then sought the personal conversation with the mayor, that he had wished promptly thereafter, now it took place in the week before the meeting. For the future he advised everyone to seek personal dialogue, it is about the common work. Johannes freimann, like otto lindner, would have liked more information beforehand.
Roll call vote after open words
Information had been important, ralf walm (FL) continued. He confirmed that the mayor does a lot of work. "But does he have to do so much", he questioned. In eckert's list, he found the subjective criterion of "success, hard work, assertiveness" far-fetched, but he could understand all of the objective criteria.
Markus ostwald recalled his statements in the may meeting as recorded in the minutes. Since in corona times certainly not all projects could be implemented, the fields of action of the mayor also became less auandig. He referred to the joint motion of the FL and the R-F to set the external compensation at 3750 euros. Pascal amberger expressed only his regret at the way communication between the two meetings had gone.
After the open words it came to the roll call vote. The majority of the council agreed to the 4250 euro, only markus ostwald and pascal amberger were against. Mayor klein spoke of a good sign of cooperation and promised to continue to work in this way to move the community forward.
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