All are back

all are back

"Do not fear, only believe". This call to the traditional vierzehnheiligen pilgrimage was followed last weekend not only by numerous sommerach citizens, but also by men and women from the surrounding area.

The pilgrimage to the place of grace in vierzehnheiligen has long become a permanent fixture for many people from sommerach. This was also the case for otmar kreis, who, as a 70-year-old, made his 34th pilgrimage this year. Was there for the first time. Kreis was the oldest participant among the 94 pilgrims, along with gerhard neeser (75 years old) and franz- leo zang (72 years old). Among them also ten-year-old noah ostreicher. He joined the pilgrimage for the third time. "It was fun again, also because my whole family was there," said noah. When asked if the pilgrimage route was not too strenuous for him, he replied: "I drove a bit by car in the early morning, otherwise I would have fallen asleep".

It is understandable if one takes into account that the pilgrimage to sommerach began around 3.45 o’clock begins.

The pilgrimage leadership was also this year in the hands of theresia then. She has been leading the pilgrims for 37 years now. "It’s nice that all the pilgrims have arrived back at their home church," said local chaplain father philippus at the reception in the parish church. The clergyman thanked all those who had contributed to the success of the pilgrimage. He especially praised the active members of the music band: "what would the pilgrimage be without our musicians??The two-day fub pilgrimage ended with the song "leise sinks der abend" ("quietly the evening falls").

Long-term participants

For many years of pilgrimage participation some pilgrims were honored: for the 25. Manfred jakob, norbert kestler and helga zink were among the pilgrims for the first time. Martin munch and urban ostreicher made a pilgrimage to the 14. Mal and marion krauss, moni nusslein, pia wittstadt and gaby dietrich for the seventh time to the place of pilgrimage.


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