Uwe sub threw the balls most safely
The whole stanich kanwa suffered from cold rainy autumn weather on the weekend. A bunch of 23 steadfast people from near and far (untersteinach) nevertheless met in the city park to cure the boccia city champions during the three-hour rain break on saturday afternoon. There were fewer children this year, because the fire department had scheduled a drill at the marketplace at the same time, with a "serious traffic accident right next to the carousel" training, in which the stadtsteinach children's fire department also helped out in full assembly with heavy equipment.
In the meantime, the 23 ball athletes were drawn into five groups in the city park, from each of which the best two advanced to the intermediate round, in which the final participants were then determined. The performance spectrum of the players was extremely wide. Finally, in stadtsteinach boccia becomes rather
randomly played: people meet every third saturday at 2 pm from spring to autumn. Who comes, is there. There is no more organization, but the relatively rough facility is kept in good shape all year round by the building yard and others.
Julian Heinz in the lead among young people
After throwing or rolling more than 400 balls the winners of the 10. City championship finally fixed. In the final of the youths, emil muller was only a few centimeters unlucky and finally had to leave the somewhat coarser burgermeister-wolfrum trophy to julian heinz. Also unlucky was his father, patrick muller, who received only lukewarm congratulations for his fourth-place finish after the adult finals. But in any case, a family cup, which did not exist yet, had belonged to the mullers.
Already in the middle of the final round, there were isolated shouts of "uwe, uwe" and-shouts and "let's bet a tenner" were heard?" According to. And finally it didn't help that marcel ott threw his ball a little too far, but pulled the mausla with it, and that ingo koll had been continuously good throughout the tournament
threw. Not for nothing has koll already won the city championship three times and with it the first challenge cup forever. Winner was in the end uwe sub. In addition to the title of city champion 2017, he therefore also received the annual winner's trophy and the new challenge cup donated by wolfgang hoderlein – until the next city championship at the stanich kerwa 2018.