{"id":5727,"date":"2023-05-06T14:43:39","date_gmt":"2023-05-06T14:43:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ethiopiaccm.org\/?p=5727"},"modified":"2023-05-09T15:35:49","modified_gmt":"2023-05-09T15:35:49","slug":"bahr-defends-draft-law-on-assisted-suicide","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ethiopiaccm.org\/bahr-defends-draft-law-on-assisted-suicide.html","title":{"rendered":"Bahr defends draft law on assisted suicide"},"content":{"rendered":"
"It is not the goal to turn doctors into assisted suicides," bahr told the "passauer neue presse" (monday). The draft law from the FDP-led ministry of justice provides for doctors and nurses to be allowed to support assisted suicide without penalty in exceptional cases. This should always be the case if they have been particularly close to the patient for a long time. Strongly criticized by doctors’ officials and patient protection groups.<\/p>\n
Much of the debate is deliberately misunderstood, said bahr. A legal framework should be created "so that euthanasia does not become a business model".<\/p>\n
Bahr does not share the concern that the new regulation could lead to a breach of the dam. "The draft law aims to ban commercial euthanasia. This would be a gross advance, because such a ban has not existed before," he said.<\/p>\n
Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that there are cancer patients or other terminally ill patients who involve their relatives or companions in suicide considerations: "we should take this into account," said bahr.<\/p>\n
The government’s patient representative, wolfgang zoller (CSU), told the newspapers of the WAZ group (monday): "the law will not be passed in this form." He added: "it became sufficient to make the commercial demand of the self-dying under criminal law."All other exceptions would lead to more legal uncertainty. "Instead, we had to invest much more in germany so that terminally ill people could die painlessly and in peace."<\/p>\n
The chairman of the patient protection organization deutsche hospiz stiftung, eugen brysch, rejects the bill. " It would be a starting signal for corresponding offers."Money often plays no role with providers of assisted suicide. But then the planned ban would not apply. Chancellor angela merkel (CDU) must say how the dispute in the coalition on the issue should be ended. Or the vote in the bundestag on it should be exempted from the fraction compulsion.<\/p>\n